The workshop was cool, definitely not as good as montreal, but it was worthwhile either way. The party in the beginning was a waste of time...

The workshop was cool, definitely not as good as montreal, but it was worthwhile either way. The party in the beginning was a waste of time...
Wait 3 hrs. then go home... i guess it beats getting paid 5 bucks a day for a week... At least i got some good drawing time out of it..
So I caught this week's workshop here in Santa Rosa. It was fun, not too crowded and only 7 bucks to get in... This week I gotta turn in...
This pic is up here for you Arnie: something i did on the bus ride home:
Earlier this year I applied for an art grant through the local arts guild. I enjoyed the experience of it, and coming up with new paintings ...
Doing illustrations is fun and all, but I have the most fun by far drawing and painting figures. More can be found here: http://www.concepta...
Imagine my surprise and the hate I had for this animal when I saw the mess it made. I have a cat who for whatever reason was scared to sleep...
Having a dual-monitor setup now, I tell ya, it's so nice and convenient. Do it, if you can. To give you an idea of how sweet this monito...