So I'm still trying the super-limited palette ala Erik Tiemens, it's quite the challenge. You can't fake the values and temperature shifts like you sort of can with a full-color palette (not that you ever should) so it's definitely a workout. It's fun. My colors were white, black, ultramarine blue, burnt umber, and transparent brown ochre(a warmer more transparent brown than burnt umber... a substitute for van dyke brown). There was no real way to do a green, so that was a struggle. Probably the wrong subject for this subject. I was also experimenting with a more unorthodox composition.

The second one I did has the simple addition of yellow ochre. There is still a real muted quality to the painting, but there is an obvious opening of the color spectrum. It still holds on to the most important aspect of the limited palette, which is a built-in color harmony. Notice that there are no strong primary colors. I think Arnie can be very proud of this palette...
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