These are pieces of art created for a husband and wife who had come over to my studio. The husband had found my artwork through my friend's coffee shop, and checked out my artwork online. He then commissioned me to draw and paint his wife nude. It was one of the best experiences of my career so far. It was so much fun to do, and fun to see the subject get more and more into it as time went on, and I'm glad everyone involved had a great time. It was a very special experience that I don't think I'll forget any time soon.

Painting from life, 3 hrs. I know the drawing's kinda' jacked up, I wasn't expecting to get as far into it as I did.

This is from a session I had with Janette, an extremely talented model in Sacramento. (Her modelmayhem portfolio) She had found me through modelmayhem.com and we agreed on my coming to the studio she shares with another amazing person, Jason Fassnacht.(His Portfolio) I had originally planned on drawing and painting for a few hours, but I ended up spending the night! We worked into the wee hours, in the middle of a bunch of creativity. Models, artists and photographers doing their thing until 4 in the morning. She was an absolute sweetheart also, and any intimidation I felt before getting there I quickly lost. It was a great fit to come into this group. I definitely plan on working with her again, and I plan on making art twice as good as I did this weekend!

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