This first session was with Amy, the beginning drawings I did with her were 2 minute drawings where I would study the pose for about 20 seconds, then go to the easel which was not facing her. I would try to remember as much of the pose from memory and draw what I could... I'd have to cheat, though. You can test with a good degree of certainty how strong your memory is with this method. It's a fun exercise, something I will try again.

These drawings were my usual standard fare.... They were about 5 minutes each.

Drawings of my friend Nicole, who is one of my favorite people to draw ever... her body and poses are amazing... I'm starting to dig doing these 30 second poses.

These drawings were done all on the same day... Had a marathon drawing session with Jessica, a model I have never worked with before, but very good. These range from 30 seconds to 20 minutes.

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