Here are a few pieces I have been sitting on for a little while now.
This piece was from the Sebastopol Monday figure session. I like to experiment there more than anything. This one I tried to get more variation in texture and thickness. I lost a bit in drawing quality during the focus on edges and texture. And so goes the practice...
My friend Amy was gracious enough to pose for myself and her now-husband at their new art studio in Sacramento. The sessions they run are open to anyone willing to pay the fee, which is pretty reasonable compared to others. They have a pretty decent setup which is due to their extremely hard work renovating the space they rent. If anyone in Sacramento is looking for a new place to paint the figure, let me know and I'll point you over to their studio.
This was about 5 hours or so. I shoe-horned her foot into the composition unfortunately. I am pretty satisfied with the way her breast came out, but the still life was actually the toughest part for me to paint.
This was painted at the Peju Winery in Rutherford, up the 29 from Napa. It's a neat quirky building that I wish I knew what style of architecture it was. The day was pretty scorchy... I tried to evoke the feeling of the heat, maybe I should have keyed up the warm tones in the light for a more effective attempt? I admire Sorolla's ability to do that... I'd say a good way to study is to hold your painting side-by-side to a good reproduction of a painter you admire and try to analyze what you guess they would have done to your painting to improve it.
I painted this alongside the other painters from our North Bay Plein Air Painters Meetup group. We meet every month, usually the last Sunday of the month. Join us, we're painting in Bodega this month!
Don Ealy Retrospective at Christopher Queen Gallery
I want to let everyone know about the new show at the Christopher Queen Gallery. Nancy, the gallery owner, has put together a brand-new book about the art and life of the late painter Don Ealy. I didn't know the guy; all I know about him is what I have heard from Nancy and others who knew him. What goes without saying is that he loved to paint. No subject was too mundane. No painting was too precious.
Most of these paintings were on display at the exhibit. I can tell you that these brochure scans don't give you a great feeling for his paintings.
His paintings have a nice surface quality and looseness in technique that sometimes borders on abstraction.
Here are some more scans of past brochures:
I do have some pieces on display in the back but the majority of the gallery is dedicated to Don Ealy for the remainder of the show. Even if I didn't have anything showing I would recommend you check it out. I have been a fan of the gallery since way before I started showing there.
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