This was the first painting I did for the week of the Capitol Plein Air Festival. There was supposed to be a competition for the best painting at the East Lawn Memorial Park in Sacramento. I didn't know it was a cemetary! I had no desire to paint there... but it was in the middle of a very ritzy area of the city, and it had some gorgeous homes around there... So I decided to paint this building instead. Before I was even done, there were 2 people who were interested in it!

Later on in the evening I went to the Sacramento River area and painted that iconic yellow drawbridge (what's the name of it anyhow??) It was interesting, I purposely painted the sky darker than I saw it, knowing that by the time I finished the painting the sky would be the right value.... As Bill Sanchez would say, that's your $10 tip kids!

Part 3 = tomorrow
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