This was the day we all went out to downtown Sacramento to paint for the "Quick Draw Competition". A few of us chose to go to Chavez Park and set up. I painted this clock tower, took me about 2 hours. We then came back and put our framed paintings up for judging.

The evening was the reception of the week's fruits of labor. It was well-attended, and had a lot of good paintings to show. I got to see a lot of new names with considerable talent. Here are what my paintings look like framed:

I'm also posting up a few of the other painter's work which I like.

Saturday was a day full of drawing and teaching by example. This time Jason was drawing from my pad instead of the model. His observation was that he was surprised with how little I draw, especially in the quick studies. He said I know how little I need to put in to suggest a lot. He also learned how little you need to make a face look like a face. These were 1's, 2's, 3's, 5's, and 7's.

To finish the week I did these 3 quick gouache paintings from life. They were 25 mins. each. Also, it gave Jason the opportunity to apply everything he learned in the week. It was cool to see certain things start to sink in, most noticeably the drawing part of it. In the last one I applied a different technique. I used a large flat synthetic brush and painted through the planes with broad strokes. As the painting went on I used shorter and smaller strokes...

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