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Friday 30 September 2011

Info Post
Last week I had the opportunity to participate in the Califonia Art Club North Bay Chapter's annual Limantour Retreat in the heart of Pt. Reyes. It was a good time. I wasn't crazy about the hostel-sleeping situation but otherwise it was a good time. If you love fog you can't go wrong in Point Reyes. It was pretty gray the entire time, but the companionship was really nice. I met some interesting painters and caught up with friends.

One thing I think is really tough to paint but never seem to practice enough are waves. Especially from life.  This is the first time I've actually set up to specifically paint a wave. I've put the seashore in a lot of plein air paintings, but this is basically a "portrait" of a wave. Waves are tough because you basically are painting from life and memory at the same time. Meaning, you have to choose a specific point in the cycle of a wave, wait for it, paint as much as you can, memorize what you can of it, then wait for it again. It was fun to see so much color inside of the wave on even a gray day like this.

This was my second painting. The fog was starting to come in fast at this point. I'm not as happy with this painting because I dont think I established enough of an interesting focal point.  I should have also added more variety in texture and paint thickness.

The last painting I did was along the side of the road back to the hostel. There are these great rows of cypress trees. It was getting close to evening and we caught a beautiful subdued pinkish light along the horizon. I enjoyed painting the silhouettes of the trees of the quiet cloudy backdrop. This one was one that I touched up slightly in the studio. I threw some glazes on top of it and made the light sliver a bit lighter.

 I wish I had another day to paint there but it started to rain on Sunday. I knew that a few people stayed to tough it out through the rain, but I had enough of the gray.

I am working on a new figurative painting series. I don't have any of them finished but I at least have them started pretty far along. I'll just give you these to look at for now. In the next couple of weeks I hope to have some of these done to show. I will be anticipating your feedback!

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