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Wednesday 2 November 2011

Info Post
This isn't really about art in particular but it might be useful to some people. I don't know how obvious this may be to some people because it took me a while to figure this out on my own.

If you're like me, you save a lot of images for your own reference. I have a lot of blogs in my RSS feed and I save a lot of images from them as well, but not everyone posts the images in the highest resolution that they uploaded them, even. I've found a way to reveal and download them.

Note: this only works on "blogspot" blogs. Wordpress? Tumblr? On your own. (Actually I do know how to grab those from Tumblr but it's a bit hit-or-miss.)

Sometimes when you click on an image in a Blogspot blog, the image won't be full-size, it will be something like 400 pixels wide.

If you right-click to open the image in a new tab, it will open it to whatever the original poster set it to show up as.

In this case, it shows up as a 400-pixel-wide image. This is represented in the URL of the image.

All you have to do to get the largest image is change where it says "s400" in the URL to "s1600" and it will automatically switch to the largest size.*

*Sometimes it will be a number other than 400. Doesn't matter. Change it to 1600 anyways.

If it shows up less than 1600 pixels wide, then that's the original size of the image and there's nothing you can do about it.

That's really all there is to it. It took me a while to realize that's all I needed to do.

Next time I will show you how to grab an image from a Flickr account even when the owner has disabled downloading of their images using Firefox.

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